Randwick Public School


Telephone02 9398 6022



At Randwick Public School parents and guardians are actively involved in a wide range of school programs and activities. The Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C), and its subcommittees, is one way in which Randwick Public School staff, parents and guardians can get involved. Please visit the P&C website.

Role of the P&C

P&C Associations are an officially recognised forum where anyone interested in the welfare of students attending government schools can meet to discuss educational issues.

“The objects of an association are to promote the interests of the school or group of schools for which it is formed through –

(a) cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community;

(b) assisting in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school or schools; and

(c) the fostering of community interest in educational matters.” School Education Act 1999, part 3, division 8, subdivision 2, section 143 (1)

Find out what is happening at Randwick Public School

Randwick Public School’s P&C gives parents and guardians an opportunity to learn about the school and issues related to education and student welfare. It also provides a way in which parents and guardians to get involved in helping shape and develop the school environment.


One of the key outputs of the P&C is fundraising events, like the school BBQs and the annual Trivia night. These events help create the community environment of Randwick Public School and also raises funds that provide extra resources for the students of Randwick Public School to use, such as 60 keyboards in 2018.

Funds raised through P&C fundraising activities are allocated by the P&C to meet various school needs, in consultation with the Principal and teachers.

P&C meetings

The best way to find out what is happening in the school is to come along to one of the monthly P&C meetings from 7:00pm on the third Monday of every month during term, in the staff room.

These meetings are a great opportunity for the school’s parents and carers to hear of activities in and around the school from the Principal, P&C president and the various P&C committee groups. These meetings provide the chance for the Randwick Public School community to come together to share, hear and contribute to our students learning and environment.

Get involved – P&C volunteers

The P&C is solely run by volunteers who donate their time and expertise. There are many ways parents and guardians can contribute either by volunteering on a Committee or helping out when volunteers are needed. Sometimes an hour is all that is needed to make a truly valuable contribution.

The P&C operates the uniform shop <Link to page>, school band and <link to page> and has a range with committees co-ordinating fundraising and working bees. The P&C may also appoint special committees to undertake projects as the need arises.

P&C Membership

Any interested parents and community members can become a member of the P&C by coming to our meetings and paying a $1 annual membership fee.  An executive committee is elected at the AGM in each year.

P&C Communication

The best way to find out what is happening at the P&C is to attend one of the monthly meetings. If you are unable to attend information about the P&C, including fundraising events and working bees, is shared through the Randwick Public School SkoolBag App, fortnightly school bulletin and the Randwick Public School P&C Facebook page.

More details – contact the P&C

To find out more about the P&C and how to get involved contact the Randwick P&C on randwick.pc.secretary@gmail.com.