At Randwick Public School we have a large and diverse collection of quality literature that is maintained with the generous support of our P+C and serves our growing school well. We continue to resource curriculum requirements through our library collection and aim to provide an outstanding collection to students and staff to support learning. We are fortunate to have a beautiful library space that is a place where students enjoy coming to read, talk, use technology, draw, share and learn.
As well as an extensive collection of print resources, the library contains school computers, ipads, an interactive whiteboard and has wireless connectivity.
Students are encouraged to borrow regularly and create the habits of sustained reading. All students are expected to use a library bag to reduce the likelihood of damage to the books. Students are welcome to visit the library at lunchtime during Break 2 each day and before school Monday, Thursday and Friday. Selected Year 5 library monitors are given the opportunity to operate the circulation system and carry out various roles that assist with the running of the library at lunchtimes.
During the year the library hosts a number of school initiatives such as Book Fairs, Author Talks, MS Readathon, The Premier’s Reading Challenge and National Simultaneous Storytime. We also encourage students to share their love of reading and send our culled books overseas to schools in need and raise money during Book Week for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation or a remote Indigenous School through Book Swaps and Secondhand Book Stalls.
Parent volunteers are always welcome to assist with Book Fairs and the covering of books. Often a note will be placed in the school newsletter requesting assistance to cover new library books. If parents have a little spare time they can collect books and contact from the school library, cover the books at home, and then return them to the library.
Our Library catalogue can be accessed by staff and students using the “My Library” Link in your portal.